What to Know Before You Bring Home a Lizard?

What to Know Before You Bring Home a Lizard

A lizard may be perfect if you've considered adding a reptile to your family! Lizards are fascinating animals that can be rewarding companions when correctly cared for. 

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Before you bring home a lizard, however, you should know a few things. Read on to learn more about preparing for a pet lizard! This blog post will provide an overview of what you must consider before welcoming a new scaly friend into your home.

Choose the Right Species

When selecting a lizard as a pet, many factors must be considered. The most important one is the type of lizard you bring home. Different species require different levels of care and may not be suited for first-time pet owners. 

Before deciding, research various lizards, their natural habitat, and the care they need. Some popular options are the Leopard Gecko, Crested Gecko, Bearded Dragon, and Uromastyx. 

Leopard Geckos are ideal for beginner reptile owners because they're relatively low-maintenance and docile. They feed primarily on crickets and mealworms. Their natural environment is dry and warm, with temperatures ranging from 78-88°F. 

They'll need a substrate such as peat moss or sand to burrow in and hideaways like coconut fiber caves or rock ledges to feel secure.

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Crested Geckos are also good beginner pets as they're hardy and easy to care for. They feed on a combination of insects and fruit-flavored commercial diets. Their ideal temperature range is 72-80°F, so they don't require additional heating equipment. They should have plenty of foliage and climbing branches to explore.

Bearded Dragons are slightly more advanced than the previously mentioned species but make great family pets. They thrive in temperatures between 80-90°F and need plenty of basking spots in their enclosure. They need a variety of live food sources, such as waxworms, crickets, roaches, and vegetables like collard greens and squash.

Uromastyx lizards are another great choice if you're looking for a more giant reptile pet. They're omnivorous, meaning they eat plant and animal matter, so you'll need to provide them with a diet of leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, insects, and other protein sources. 

They require temperatures between 90-100°F during the day and should have plenty of places to climb and bask. 

With proper care and love, any lizard can make an excellent pet! When choosing the right lizard for you, it's essential to research and considers all the care requirements for each species. Talk to reptile experts at your local pet store to better understand which species would best suit your lifestyle and preferences.

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Set Up Their Habitat

When preparing to bring home a lizard as a pet, you must be designed to provide them with an appropriate habitat. To do this, you need to consider the size of the enclosure, substrate, temperatures, humidity, and furnishings. 

  • Size: The size of the enclosure will depend on the type of lizard you choose to bring home. Generally speaking, lizards require plenty of space to stay healthy and active. A 20-gallon tank is usually sufficient for smaller species like geckos and skinks. More enormous lizards may need a bigger tank or terrarium.
  • Substrate: Substrate is the material used to line the bottom of the enclosure. It can range from sand, wood chips, or even paper towels. Make sure to avoid using anything that may be hazardous to your pet. 
  • Temperature and Humidity: Temperature and humidity levels should be monitored regularly to ensure your pet's comfort and health. Most lizards prefer warmer temperatures with higher levels of humidity. A thermometer and hygrometer can help you keep an eye on these levels. 
  • Furnishings: Once you've selected the right size enclosure and substrate, it's time to start decorating! You can use rocks, logs, branches, and plants to create a natural-looking habitat. Be sure to provide hiding spots for your pet. Also, make sure any decorations you use are safe for your pet. 

Setting up the proper habitat for your lizard is vital to their health and well-being. Ensuring their enclosure has the appropriate size, substrate, temperature, humidity, and furnishings is essential. 

With the proper preparation, your pet can live a happy and healthy life in their new home!

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Get the Proper Supplies

When it comes to lizard care, having the right supplies is essential. Depending on the species of lizard you get, you must ensure you are well-equipped with everything your new pet needs. Here are some items you may need to buy:

  1. A Habitat: This is one of the most essential supplies for a pet lizard. The enclosure should be large enough to allow your pet plenty of space to move around and explore. It should also provide a variety of hiding spots and a secure lid to prevent escape. You'll need to research what type of habitat is best for your particular lizard species.
  2. Substrate: Substrate is a material that lines the bottom of the habitat. Typical substrates include sand, mulch, coconut fiber, or paper towels. Choose a substrate that is safe and easy to clean.
  3. Temperature Control: Depending on the season and habitat, most lizards require different temperatures. You may need to purchase heating lights and thermometers to ensure their enclosure is kept at the proper temperature.
  4. Lighting: Most lizards need UVB lighting to produce vitamin D3 and metabolize calcium. You will also need to buy bulbs replicating the natural light cycle of day and night in their natural environment.
  5. Decorations: Decorations like rocks, plants, and branches can help enrich your pet's environment. Ensure to use non-toxic materials that won't harm your lizard when ingested.
  6. Food & Water Bowls: You will need food and water bowls that are shallow enough for your pet to access quickly but deep enough that they don't spill out. Be sure to clean these regularly to avoid bacterial build-up.

With the proper care and maintenance, your pet lizard can live a long and fulfilling life with you as their loving owner. Roper supplies for your pet lizard are essential to keeping them healthy and happy. Be sure to research the needs of your particular species before purchasing any supplies for them.

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Feed Them a Nutritious Diet

When feeding your pet lizard, providing them with a nutritious and balanced diet is crucial. The most common types of lizards kept as pets include Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, and Corn Snakes, so it's essential to research your lizard's specific dietary needs before you feed them. 

For lizards such as Bearded Dragons and Leopard Geckos, their diet should consist mainly of insects such as crickets, roaches, mealworms, waxworms, and locusts. 

Bearded Dragons may also be fed leafy greens, while Leopard Geckos can eat vegetables such as squash and carrots in addition to their insects. Dusting the insects with a calcium supplement every other feeding is vital to ensure your lizard gets the nutrition it needs. 

Corn Snakes are typically fed frozen mice or rats. To provide your Corn Snake with a balanced diet, you should gut-load the prey item with a nutrient-rich diet before feeding them to your snake. In addition, it is essential to ensure that the prey items are the same size as the width of the snake's body. 

Providing your pet lizard with a balanced and nutritious diet is vital to keeping them happy and healthy. Researching the specific dietary needs of your lizard before you feed them can help ensure that they get all the nutrition they need for optimal health.

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Handle Them With Care

Handling a pet lizard is a delicate task. Not all lizards are suitable for handling, and some can be pretty skittish. Before taking your pet lizard, observe it for a few days to learn its personality and behavior. Once you understand how it likes to be handled, start slowly with short handling sessions.

When picking up your lizard, approach it slowly and gently. Let it explore your hands before scooping it up. Use two hands when handling lizards, one supporting the body and the other securely holding its tail. 

When lifting your lizard, place one hand beneath its chest and the other behind its hind legs. Always keep the lizard close to its body and support it while lifting.

When holding your lizard, keep a firm but gentle grip. Avoid squeezing or restraining it too tightly. Remember to keep its tail away from your fingers, as this could cause serious injury to your pet. Be mindful of sudden movements that could startle the lizard, and ensure not to drop it while handling it.

When you're done handling your lizard, place it back in its habitat or terrarium. Monitor your lizard after taking it to ensure it is comfortable and not stressed out. With gentle and consistent handling, you can develop a bond with your pet lizard that lasts years.

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Johan Blom

Blogger who urges to discover exciting and beautiful things in the world and life!

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